Sunday, March 7, 2010

No Baby Yet

So, I just finiahed up the last thing that I was working on for work. YAY!!!! I now feel so much more at ease with the baby coming. Patrick and I are getting so excited to meet this new little one. I am praying that we don't have to wait another week. In church today they prayed for us and others that are due to have babies in the next couple of weeks. It felt really encouraging to be thought of in such a large congregation. 
Anyway, it is 3:30 in the morning and once again I can't sleep. Lately I haven't been able to get more than 2-3 hours of sleep at a time, and I know that this is the Lord preparing me for this new child to come. Well, what else to do at this hour than do some uninterrupted work, write on my blog, read, pray and hope that someone comes on skipe to chat. 
We still don't have a fridge and I am trusting in the Lord to provide. I am trying to focus on praising the Lord for His many blessings and not allow my angry emotions steal my joy. 
Talking about stealing joy, I totally got up in a Chinese woman's face at the subway. After eating lunch we were waiting for the subway and this group of Chinese ladies were staring at us, talking, and pointing, and being completely rude. At first I didn't really care, but then my son ran away from us and didn't respond to our telling him to come back. Patrick ran after him brought him back and was given Amariah a talking to about why he shouldn't run away in a crowded place and that he needed to listen and obey. Well, this for some reason was entertaining for these women, so they crowded around to watch Amariah get disciplined. Amariah was then looking at the people and not looking at his daddy anymore. So a stepped between these ladies and Amariah as a hint that they needed to back off and give us privacy. Well, one of the ladies then started to peer over my shoulder to watch Amariah get this talking to. I lost it. I turned around and got in this ladies face and with a raised voice told her what I thought of her inappropriate behaviour. I was so angry. The crowd, that shouldn't have been there in the first place, dispersed quickly. GOOD!!! This is why we only bring our son into the city on Sundays for church. We make it a point to not bring him into the city because the Chinese people, in general, not all, have no respect for others, and it is way too crowded. 
Then later Patrick fought this other lady for a taxi. Patrick was clearly there first, but she was actually getting physical with him trying to take the taxi, and at the same time Patrick had Amariah in his arms. What a day, I tell ya. After fighting the Chinese in the city, all three of us fell asleep on bus ride home. 
Thanks for all your prayers and support. 
We love you all, 
If I am up again tomorrow night, I will write again. 

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