Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Gecko in the Grapes

Still anxiously awaiting....

Once upon a time Amariah and I took a walk to the market just outside of our community. It is a nice walk on sunny days, and the fresh fruit and vegetables are much cheaper there than in the grocery store, so that makes the walk so much more worth it. Amariah absolutely loves fruit, so it is the perfect place to stock up on all kinds, bananas, oranges, apples, pomellos, dragon fruit, and grapes. This one place had this beautiful display of fresh grapes, they were big, juicy and inviting to eat. I parked the stroller, grabbed a bag and went to pick up a small bunch when something caught my eye causing me to stop my hand just before touching the grape bunch. Something moved. I was sure of it. But I didn't see anything, so I went to grabbed the grape bunch again, but again I stopped. It felt like something was staring at me. I started to scan the grape display. This grape display was definitely staring at me and leaving me with this creepy feeling since I couldn't find the eyes. And then, there it was, it moved again. This time my eyes caught it, and it was a gecko hiding in the grapes. Once it knew that I had found it, it started to crawl all over the grapes. I quickly grabbed Amariah out of the stroller and held him up to see the gecko. He was excited to see the little critter crawling around. It soon crawled out of the display and diappeared. I put Amariah back in the stroller, put the bag back with the others and started to walk away. I was no longer interested in buying grapes. Usually it is the price that steers me away from buying grapes, but this was the first time an animal had. Even though we came away grapeless, we had story.

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