Monday, March 1, 2010

Huge Blessings

Last night a friend of mine threw me a baby shower. We had so much fun. Baby showers aren't a common practice here in China, so some of my co-workers/friends had never been to one before and thought it was a good idea. One of my friends has a 4 month old baby. It was so cute watching Amariah with him. He was so gentle and interested in this little guy. At one point when the baby was sleeping in Amariah's room, I was visiting with the ladies I didn't realize that Amariah wasn't playing with the toys on the floor anymore. When I saw that, I jumped up and said, "Where is Amariah?" We found him sitting beside the sleeping baby on his bed just staring at him. When Amariah saw me in the door way he said, "Shhhhh! Baby sleeping." So cute. It makes me so much more excited to bring home our new baby. Amariah will be a great big brother.

The baby shower was a huge, huge blessing, especially in a country where it is not a common practice. At some of the girls request I had made a list of things that I still needed. Knowing that they were planning this shower I hadn't aggressively shop of certain items. Two of the things on my list was onesies and bum cream. Bum cream I have actually been searching for for awhile and have failed in my attempts to find any. One of the ladies at the shower said that China doesn't have stuff like that, alot of babies here have the 'peek-a-boo' bottoms and diapers is still not widely used. So, the use of a bum cream isn't a necessity. For those of you that aren't familiar with the 'peek-a-boo' bottoms they are baby pants with no bums, so the baby's naked toosh hangs out. As a result it is common to see mothers holding there babies over gardens, the side of the street and garbage cans as the baby relieves him/her self. At the playground I try to ignore it since it happens all the times when I take Amariah there. It is probably why the plants around the playground are so green. I actually had a mother tell me that diapers aren't good for a baby and that bum cream is unhealthy. 

Anyway, this friend of mine at the shower said that a friend of hers went to Hong Kong this week and that she will bring back some bum cream for me. That was very thoughful. 

The second thing, onesies, can't find those anywhere either. I bet it is because they don't have the 'peek-a-boo' bottoms. I do have some that I brought over, and with the heat here, the baby will likely just be in a diaper for the summer. So, it is no big deal.  Well, now I feel more set than ever with all these gifts, just waiting for the arrival of baby J. 

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