Sunday, March 28, 2010
Answered Prayer
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Please Keep Praying
Friday, March 26, 2010
Please Pray
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Eternity- The Story Behind Her Name
The name Eternity was inspired by this story that was told to me for the first time during YWAM. I had heard the story used since in other sermons and found it so incredibly inspiring and encouraging.
Beginning in the 1930s Arthur Stace spent his early morning hours writing the word "Eternity" in a distinctive cursive style in every doorway, on every street, and major entrance to a public area that he could find in Sydney.
For years, the citizens of the city wondered who was writing the "one word sermon" and why.
Every once in a while, someone would claim responsibility for the graffiti and the newspapers would print the stories.
In 1956, Stace was a member of the Burton Street Baptist Church, where he also served as the janitor and a prayer leader.
One day, the pastor of the church, Rev. Lisle M. Thompson, stumbled across Stace while he was writing his chalk message on a sidewalk and the mystery of the "Eternity" messages all over Sydney was solved.
Stace said that after his conversion to Christianity, he heard a sermon in which the evangelist said "Eternity! Eternity! Oh, that this word could be emblazoned across the streets of Sydney!"
In his simple way, Stace decided to do that.
There is a huge illuminated sign on the Sydney Harbour Bridge that says "Eternity" in Stace's distinctive handwriting, a sign that was clearly seen by hundreds of millions of people during the fireworks display at the end of the opening ceremonies at the Olympics in Sidney in 2000.
Those who know Patrick and I well know that we can't just name our children because we think that a name sounds good. We are the kind of people that put a lot of thought into the meaning and believe that the meaning is incredibly important. Anyway, the quote, "Live for Eternity" has been inspirational to us over the years and decided that we wanted our child to hold this strong message. So, the search was on to find a name that meant, "Live for Eternity," or something close to it. And to our surprise we found the name Eternity on a baby name website. It was an instant winner for our daughter's name. We explored other names, but nothing else ever seemed 'right' for this child.
Patrick and I had decided long ago that we would honor significant people in our lives with our children's middle names. Again the meanings of the names are taken into consideration. Angela (Ang) is one of my best friends who has been there for me, has been a huge encouragement spiritually, and is a great example of a woman who lives for the Lord. Joy is the middle name of the woman who was my mentor for years. Her and her husband have played a significant role in Patrick and I's lives, encouraging us spiritually, praying for us, and always being there.
We put the name together and our daughter's name means, "Eternal messenger of Joy." I think that is so powerful, and I pray that she will always feel valuable as a woman, and that she will know that she is an eternal Joy.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Venturing Out
Today Eternity is 9 days old. The time has gone by so fast. The whole birthing and hospital experience seems so long ago and I can't imagine my life with out the new baby. It is crazy how we were created to adapt so well to these life changes that we can't image life the way it was before.
Today I will venture out of the house for the first time since coming home from the hospital. Patrick got a tutoring job for Wednesdays and is unable to pick Amariah up from school, so that leaves me the privilege. Eternity and I will be in the great outdoors of our little Chinese community for the first time.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Conflict-Free Living
Today Eternity is one week old. I can't believe it has been a week already.
It is interesting how when you start studying a spiritual topic you either become grossly aware of the issue all around you or the issue becomes exaggerated in your life to test you. I am currently reading "Conflict-Free Living" by Joyce Meyer and I feel like conflict has become all that more evident in everyday life. Last night our Landlord came by to collect rent. Many of you who read my blog regularly know that we have been having troubles with our landlord. We had no fridge for 2 weeks, we lost all our food and he refused to do anything about it and still does. We had the fridge 'fixed', even though it is not totally fixed, it still leaks water, but at least it is keeping things cold now. But we paid for it. Our screen door is still broken, the kitchen sink leaks, we have no hot water in the kitchen, the shower leaks water all over the floor, the washing machine floods our deck every load, and not all the electrical outlets work. I am incredibly frustrated because our landlord doesn't care and says he won't do anything about it.
You would think that the easy solution would be just to move, but it really isn't that easy. We have been here long enough to know that it is hard to find good landlords and an apartment that isn't completely filthy and in need of a lot of work when you move in. At this time we really don't want to move again and start over.
Anyway, I had to keep myself in the room last night and let Patrick talk to the Landlord because I was bound to say and/or do something that I really shouldn't. Patrick is far softer than I am. I would have given the landlord "a piece of my mind." Anyway, this is clearly a conflict, one of the many, that seem to have popped up forcing me to put to practice the lessons from 'Conflict-free Living."
One of solutions in Conflict-Free Living is to pray for your enemies. Not such a new concept, as it is a well-known Biblical principal, but I will admit that I am struggling with how to pray for this man and his wife. Every time I go to pray I find that I start dwelling on the negative and getting myself all worked up. Then the thought comes to mind, "pray for him." And I respond to myself, "Oh yeah." But the only word that comes to mind is "God." "Teach me Lord to pray for those I am in conflict with."
The Arrival of Eternity Angela-Joy
Hello agian.....
I am back and ready to make regular entries again.
It was a week ago today that we went to hospital expecting to have Eternity that day, yet she surprised us by taking her time coming out and didn't come 'til the following day.
Saturday night after dinner I started to have some really bad cramps, then at 3:30 in the morning I was woken by what I knew were contractions. We waited until 10am to go to the hospital. Amariah stayed with a friend of ours who has 6 children. He did amazing there. He loved the built in playmates who also adored him.
Sunday was spent watching movies and eating take out as we waited for my contractions to get below 5 minutes apart. That took until 11pm. We then were moved to the labouring room where we stayed for a few hours before being moved to the delivering room.
We were in the delivering room for 2 hours. The doctor kept saying that this was taking too long and that we had to get the baby out. So, every time a contraction came I had 4 Chinese women yelling at me to push. Then the strangest thing happened, I personally think that it was a God thing, since I had been labouring for 30 hours and of course was completely exhausted and felt I had nothing left in me to continue, but my contractions just stopped. Pain, everything gone completely for 15 minutes or so. I enjoyed the rest, but definitely questioned if everything was ok. I didn't know if this was normal. After about 15 minutes of absolutely nothing the contractions started up again, one after the other.
At 4am the doctor broke my water. At 4:30 the doctor started to prepare some medicines that she said would make things move a lot faster, but before she was able to give me the medicine, Eternity decided to show, PTL!!!
Patrick and I would joke through out the labouring process that it must be a girl because we are going to call her Eternity and she is taking an Eternity to come out. And I will never forget hearing that Chinese doctor say "It's a girl." So exciting!!!! We absolutely love and adore our little princess.