Sunday, April 19, 2009

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord!!! We got a call fromt he lawyer yesterday with good news. She said that she had just received my certificate of no criminal record from the notary office. I don't know if there are any other things we have to do, either way this is a huge praise item. We are meeting with our lawyer today at 2:30, so we will have more info at the  end of the day. 
So, the next big question here is, if this is all the paper work I need, do we head back to Canada this week to continue to immigration process or do we potentially forfeit our tickets and stay here to work? Please pray for this decision. Of course we want to stay, we like working and living together in our own place, but we also want to finish this immigration process and not have to buy new tickets later on. If only money grew on trees or fell from the sky with the rain. Whatever the decision we are trusting in our God to provide. 
Another praise the Lord story: One night I was waiting for the bus to go into town. It was warm, but I knew the night would get cooler so I brought my coat. As I sat on the bench at the bus stop waiting for the bus I had set the coat down beside me and read my book. When the bus came I got on and left my jacket behind. I relized I was without a jacket about half way to town. I immediately sent up a prayer that God' would protect my coat and that I would return to it later. I was in town for about 2 hours before heading home. This is the only coat I have here in China, so I was praying the whole way home that God would protect my coat. I was, however, prepared to not find it. Big city in China, lots of people, who knows how many past through that bus stop in the 2 hours, and a really nice brand name fleece wool jacket just lining around. But no matter the doubts Satan was planting in my mind, when I got off the bus there was my coat exactly where I left it. I am so thankful to my Lord. Praise the Lord. 


  1. Wow. Totally a God thing about the coat! And awesome about your no criminal record thing coming through too. God is good! Will pray for your decision.

  2. That is so awesome, Kari! About the papers AND your coat :)

  3. Finally! (for the paperwork) Who would've guessed it would take this much time and effort. But not with out a purpose that's for sure.
    You guys are in my prayers.
