Saturday, April 4, 2009

Peaceful Market

This Market, known as the peaceful market is a vast display of medicine herbs and spices, semi-toxic mushrooms, dried plant and animal parts, live birds, dogs, cats, fish, and tubs of squirming scorpians, snakes, eels and turtles. This market used to be used for animal trafficing of live monkeys, owls, dogs, cats, anteaters, and other exotic creatures, often for some form of human comsumption. A few years back, however, the police cracked down on these smugglers and now dogs and cats are only sold for adoption. Walking through this market is a genuine Chinese cultural experience for  foreigners. Patrick and I have enjoyed walking through this market twice, taking pictures of the sites and handing food out to beggars. Amariah absolutely loved watching the live animals. 


  1. Oh my gosh, look at those little turtles!! Kari I had no idea you had a excited to find out :)

  2. So many exotic things, this is better then a zoo. Expect for the part about them being sold to be eaten :(
