Saturday, July 10, 2010

Not everything is as it appears

We just returned from a beautiful time at our local pool and during our time God reminded of an incredible lesson.

Do you ever have moments when you smell, hear, see, taste or experience something that takes you back to a time when you had that similar experience. For example, just recently I have discovered this amzing ice coffee bevereage at 7-11, it has become my favourite drink and a perfect treat on our recently hot hot days. I reaized that everytime I drink it I am taken back to my break times in California during my time with YWAM. Everyday during my training session at YWAM I would look forward to the breaks so that I may enjoy the ice coffees and a banana nut muffin. It was one of my favourite times in my life, being with a group of passionate believers hungry for more of God, and relaxing with these believers with an ice coffee is a sweet memory. The ice coffee that I discovered at 7-11 tastes just like the ice coffee of YWAM chico, and maybe that is why I love it so much. 
Anyway, being at the pool today, I had another sweet memory visit me. I was laying on a lawn chair, in the summer sun, palm trees all around and a clear pool swimming pool in front of me and for a moment I forgot I was in China, but I was in Hawaii, on vaction, soaking up the rays. It was completely relaxing and I didn't have a care in they world. When I came back to the present I felt God whisper to me. He was allowing me to have these sweet memories of past times visit me to remind me that it doesn't matter where I am but I can enjoy life if I choose to. These sweet whispers from God was like water to my soul. The reason for this is because I have been caught in a cycle of, "the grass is greener on the other side" way of thinking. The grass may look different in different places, but I can enjoy it all the same, if I choose it. Another lesson in enjoying everyday, and not to allow my thought life to be consumed with thoughts of the future. By thinking about it, it sure doesnt make it come any faster. 

Another fun story...
I was walking along the side walk, on my way home, enjoying the summer sun. I noticed a grandad walking along the side walk toward me pushing a baby stroller. "That is so sweet," I thought to myself. I love seeing the older generations loving the new generation. As this grandad approached I was getting ready to peer inside the stroller and make a sweet comment, on what I assumed would be his grandchild. Right when he was close enough I leaned over the side of the stroller with a big smile on my face and ready to make googly eyes at whoever was in there, only to find myself grinning at 4 cans, of what looked like beer, and a bag of rice. I quickly stood up straight, with the big grin still on my face and walked right on. The older gentleman pushing the stroller wasn't fazed one bit. He just kept walking like everything was normal. Not everything is as it appears. 

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