Sunday, July 25, 2010

Newspaper vs diapers

 I am in the middle of hanging the laudry to dry. The sky is overcast once again, and I hear thunder in the distance. Are wi in for another Typhoon? It is hard to say. Sometimes we can see the thick black clouds in the distance accompanied by the flashing of lighening and the crashing of thunder, but we the storm never comes near us. The is what happened yesterday and I may be the case again today. 
As I hang the laundry I also find myself filled with thanks as I remember a time, just a few months ago, when the clothes could hang for three days and still not be dry. In this season, however, and the reason for my thankful attitude, the clothes can be dry in matter of hours. I love the sun. As I am typing this I am further reminded of clothes dryers. This may sound funny, but I actually forgot that they existed. The thought of a clothes dryer. I never forgot my knowledge of such a machine when the clothes never dried outside, but know that there is no problem with them drying, I have forgotten that they exisit. Anyway, I could ponder this for while. But....

For another PTL moment. Patrick and I made another, yet divine we believe, connection yesterday.I am eager to jump at opportunities with this connection, especially since our time here is growing shorter by the minute. Of course, if it is truly divine, then HE will make is happen, and we simply are the pawns under complete submission to the master trusting Him to us effective way. please pray that, that if we are to join with this connection for a great purpose that it will be done. 

We were walking home the other day from picking up ingredients for making dinner when we passed a mother holding her small baby, maybe the same age as Eternity. This baby was wearing the traditional, completely common, "peek-a-boo" outfit. I know I have mentioned before that the Chinese babies and toddlers wear outfit/pants with the croch and bum missing/jsut not there. The purpose for this is so they can go to the bathroom and not mess their pants. Yes, they just go wherever, whenever. I will spare the stories of the sitings I have seen- they are rather revolting. Moving on... I have been told that it is not good that I put a diaper on my baby, "It's not healthy," some say,"It's not good." I am sure that their intentions are good in Chinese advice giving to a Canadian foreigner who appears like she has no idea how to raise a baby (they don't stop to think that I am not Chinese, therefore just becasue my ways are different, it doesn't make them wrong or bad). 
Anyway, back to the story, we are walking past this mother holding her baby wearing the peek-a-boo bottoms. The mother is holding the baby in one hand and a piece of newspaper under the baby with the other hand. The baby clearly just released waste and the mother was using the newspaper to clean up. "So, diapers are bad, but used newspapers are ok?" I thought to myself. The mother got up and disposed of the newspaper in a public garbage can. Newspaper? I so DON'T understand this Chinese mentality against diapers. After seeing that, I am definately no more closer to adopting that Chinese methods of baby raising than I was when I got here. Disposable vs cloth- that I understand. Store bought disposables vs used newspaper, I do not. 

Anyway, the skies are now looking rather dark. Maybe we are going to get that Typhoon after all. Maybe I will hold off on hanging the rest of the clothes out to dry. I think that I will go through our stuff again, pack what we are no longer using and add to the give away pile. Fortunately there are a couple of pregnant women at work that I will be able to bless with the baby stuff. 

As for a prayer request, Pray that Eternity's Canadian passport arrives by or before August 2 and that we will be able to get an exiting visa with in 24 hours of that so that we can leave the country by August 4, when our visas run out. We plan on heading to Hong Kong on August 4th to apply for another visa. Agree with us in prayer that all of this goes smoothly. 

I was told that I gave the wrong e-mail addy for us, so here it is again. 

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