Monday, August 16, 2010

A couple Good Stories

I have about a hundred stories floating around in my head that I have been wanting to write about. I know that with a blink of an eye this time will be gone and I want to have as many memories written down as I can. Time to just sit and write seems to be more non-existent lately. But hey, 4:53 am...I think I have found my moment of uninterrupted writting time. 

Patrick is currently on his one week summer vacation time. The next time classes resume all the students will have moved on to their next class. In Patrick's case most of his students will have moved on to the next school since he taught the highest level in the kindergarten. So, Friday was a sad day for him as he had to say goodbye to his students and will most likely never see them again. Since it was his last day, I decided that I would go and take pictures of him with the students. One of his students had given him a going away gift...a woman's hand bag. It was navy blue with elephants on it and a big pale blue bow. Patrick wasn't sure what to do with it. I told him that we could regift it, besides "its the thought that counts," right? I was thinking that maybe it was a mistake and the gift was for one of his women teachers, but as we left the school that day we passed the student's mother who asked if her son, Brian, had given Patrick the gift. Patrick assured her that Brian had. Maybe in China giving a woman's hand bag to a male is a completely appropriate thank-you gift. This also reminds me that giving bouquets of flowers to men is completely appropriate and commonly practised. I remember when the school principle gave one of the pther male teachers a bouquet of flowers, the poor guy looked so awkward...and then later threw the flowers out because he didn't know what to do with them. It wasn't a romantic thing, it was a "I appreciate you and want you to feel welcome in our school," thing. 

And for a couple cute Amariah stories...
The other night we were having chicken wings for dinner. We all know how eating chicken wings go...there's some bones, some cartilage, and meat. Amariah, while eating a wing, leans over the table, spits out something small and hard, then just 'as-matter-of-factly' says, "seed" and continues eating. 

Two nights ago I was reading amariah a book before bed. In the book it talked about differetn occupations, such as doctor, teacher, policeman. Then there was the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I read the question and asked Amariah. He sat there and pondered the question for a few moments and then answered, "I want to be bigger."

One more brief story, then I should try to sleep...
A Chinese co-worker of Patrick's, Danny, took our family out for lunch on Saterday. He has really appreciated Patrick at school and wanted to show it. The whole thing was so Chinese. We first were picked up by Harrison, another co-worker of Patrick's and that was an experience. It felt like we were driving with a 16 year old new driver in Chinese traffic. Part way to the restaurant I asked Harrison how long he had his licence. "Over one year," he replied, "But I haven't alot of opportunity to drive." "No kidding," I responded, and prayed we would make it safely. He finally parallel parked on the side of a street that didn't appear to have any buildings on it. All I say was bush. "Where is the restaurant?" I asked. Then Sunny, another co-worker, pointed to a dirt driveway and said that it was down there. We started down this dirt driveway, and it definately looked a bit...odd. But low and behold, a nice building made out of bamboo appears with a lovely pond in front of it. 
Danny's family was there waiting for us, his wife eager to hold Eternity. We were happy to have our hands free for a bit, by allowing Eternity to be held. Danny ordered the food. I started to talk to Harrison who was on my left and was helping Amariah, who was also on my left, drink his tea. Eternity and Danny's wife, Fanny (most Chinese people pick their own English names) was on my right so I couldn't see them in this moment. Patrick leans towards me and says, "I am going to go get Eternity." I immediately sense a problem, so I am looking at E and Fanny, who is smiling big because she was so proud to have held a white baby. Patrick politely takes Eternity back and then returns to his seat beside me. "What was the problem?" I asked. "She spoon fed Eternity coke." he replied. "What!" was my reaction. Patrick looks at me and says calmly, "It's alright, I have her now." Patrick didn't need to say anything more. I knew that we are in a different culture, these people are being kind and taking us to lunch, it's going to be fine. 
The food arrived and it was delicious. We had 4 fish dishes. I commented that we had ordered alot of fish and that it was all good. Sunny responded, "Yeah, and we only bought one fish." I didn't understand, so I said, "One fish?" "Yes, and it was 6kg" she replied. I still was a little confused, so I questioned further. "Danny bought a fish?" Sunny, then made the whole thing clear, "Yes, Did you see the pond out side?" "Yes" "We bought one of those fish in it and they were able to get 4 dishes out of it for us. Isn't that good?" "You mean, that pond isn't for decoration?" "No, that's the fish they use to make the meals." 
As we left the restaurant I took pictures of the pond and we all looked at the fish and commented on how they were going to be some customer's meal. 

Anyway, putting the stories aside...
We have E's passport, visa, and tickets. We have already started to pack... 2 weeks, 5 days..... God is Good

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