Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So, this is a test run to see if i can actually update my blog through my e-mail. If you have been wondering why I haven't been keeping it updated with our China adventure, the answer is, blog sites are blocked in China, as well as Facebook. Many people have been messaging me through facebook, and I get the messages in my hotmail, but I can not reply back. I really am not purposely being a snob. I do care about keeping in touch, I just don't have access. The best way to contact us is through e-mail. We also have skipe and ichat if you ever want to talk.  

Patrick has open class today. Which is when the parents are invited into the class to watch Patrick teach. It is slightly intimidating as you feel the parents are judging your everymove. So, the pressure is on to perform well, and to get the kids to perform well too. If you think of him, say a little prayer. 
My teaching situation is a bit different since it is a training centre and not an actual school. Kids come to my classes twice a week in the evenings or on the weekend. So, unlike Patrick who has one class 5 days a week I have 7 classes. My open classes are this coming weekend and I am finding it hard to keep a good attitude about it. This is my last week of teaching, so I find myself not worrying as much about it as I should. So, close to being done and it feels good. It is becoming increasingly harder to keep energy up in class when all I want to do is sit down, which I am starting to do most of the time. Some of my classes just laugh at me as I teach. Like last night I would start to do some actions for a song or something, then I would sit down and everyone would laugh. Then I would do all the actions while sitting in my chair and they just thought that looked so hilarious. I don't blame them for laughing, it it felt awkward, so I could only image how ridiculous I looked, but at least I still have some entertaining value left in me that keeps the students attention, LOL!!! (btw-most of my students are around 6/7 years of age).

Amariah is loving school more and more. It has become routine that when we pick him up from school he doesn't want to leave, "No, Home!!!" is his cry. So, we still often for an extra hour letting him play on the play ground there. Many parents do the same thing, so sometimes we talk to other parents or his teachers and watch the kids play. Amariah has a russian kid in his class that he has become buddies with. The russian doesn't speak English, Amariah doesn't speak Russian, but they are learning Chinese together. They have really taken to each other and play well. They probably understand each other in a way other kids don't. When I am off work, I will try to set up some play dates with the russian boys parents. I think they would like that. 

Patrick and I are starting to wonder if there is going to be no cold season this year. I am sure it is coming, but it has warmed up so much it feels as though we aren't going to have one, not that I would miss it. Freezing temperatures, no central heating, it is like camping inside an apartment. Not my idea of a good time, but you do what you gotta do. I guess I will find out soon enough if this warm weather is just a teaser. 

So, this past week I bought my first item from a street vender. The street are always lined with people aggressively trying to sell you anything from squid on a stick raisens, to scarves and touques. Ususally I just walk by occasionally giving money to the beggars that are amongs the crowds as well, but the other day I saw this little old lady sitting by the sub way crocheting and she had a few pairs of baby booties in front of her. The first time I saw her I just walked past, just out of habit. Then the next time I saw her my heart went out to her and I stopped and bought a pair. They were totally cute. Yesterday I saw her again, and I just got to thinking, "Is this her means of making money?" "Is this her retirement plan, sitting on the street crocheting?" So, I stopped and I bought 2 more pairs. If I don't use them, I can always give them away, people are having babies all the time. Something that Joyce Meyer said has come to me, we should all have a giving box in our house, full of stuff ready to give away, so when people come into our lives that we feel led to bless we are prepared to give. Maybe these booties from the little old lady on the street will be the start of my giving box. 

Anyway, the newletter has finished loading, and my oven timer dinged so I think I should sign off. (I am making pumpkin muffins, Amariah's favourite. Amariah doesn't like Chinese food, so I find that we are spending alot of money at the Western food store and alot of time preparing different foods so that he will eat. If we stuck to the chinese food all he would eat is rice, noodles and ornges. Chinese veggie and meat dishes he spits out and says "Yucky!!" I really don't blame him though, the Chinese food isn't that great, we don't even really like it, but we wil eat it. WE have our favourite chinese dishes that we get again and again, but western style food is still what we prefer too).

Blessings to you all, 
The Jones family

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