Sunday, March 29, 2009

Progress Report

So, here is the progress. Last week we heard from our lawyer who told us some good news. To recap, one of the documents that is essential in obtaining a certificate of no criminal record from China, and that I don't have is a temporary residence registration form. However, the lawyer informed us that we can apply to the police station for a form for this time that we are in China and that the PSB we accept that. Also, the other issue that we were having was that the PSB wanted to see my expired passport with the working visa in it from 2004-2005, which I don't have. Yet, Praise the Lord, the school that I used to work for found a photo copy of my old passport and the PSB will accept that. Praise the Lord. So, tomorrow I need to take my passport in to get this temporary residence registration form. And then on Tuesday we will apply for the certificate of no criminal record, again. Our lawyer seems to be very hopeful this time and believes that I will have this check in a month. Thank-you for your prayers. 

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