Our first American Thanksgiving as a family and of course I had to think of some fun traditions to start. One of my ideas was making turkey surgar cookies and decorating them as a family. To make it as mess free as possible, I made the cookies before had, made the icing, and put the icing in a ziploc bag, cut a small hole in the corner of it. This ziploc bag would serve as my money saving icing bag. (Pretty smart-eh?) So, I got Amariah all set up and gave him the go ahead to start icing the cookies. Then I made my second parent boo-boo of the day. I left the room, to go get the father. My first parent boo-boo was revealed as I returned- I had left the ingredients for the icing on the counter. PAtrick had entered the kitchen first and then shouted, "What are we supposed to ice the cookies with?" Right then I knew something was wrong. When I returned to the kitchen the corner of the icing bag with the hole was in Amariah's mouth, and he was using straight food colouring to decorate the cookies. He had drowned the turkeys.
The second tradition went much better, our own "Turkey Strut" around a nice park. Went spent over an hour walking around this park and playing on the play ground. The idea was to put the kids in a jogger and Pat and I would run. But 8 minutes into the run both kids were screaming. So, we ended up taking them out and just walking. During our walk 3 deer had crossed in front of us, they were so beautiful.
The rest of the day was fairly predictable and non eventful, we ate a totally delicous meal and just hung out at Grandma and Granpa's. Relaxing and Enjoyable.
I asked Amariah what he was thankful for this holiday and he replied, "DVD's and DVD players." Is this a sign that he watches too many?
----So I am at McDonal's right now. I just looked up and Amariah is wretling with some stranger boy. Hard to say who is winning. No one is screaming for help, so I think I will leave them.